Relocation of 1,200 lf each of 20" and 16" restrained joint water main during DOT bridge reconstruction
Coordination of project with DOT road contractor
Installation of restrained DI pipe on bridge crossing Branford River
Strict timeline
Brennan Construction was contracted directly by RWA to perform the relocation 1,200 LF of 20” and 1,200 LF of 16” restrained joint water main on Rt. 139 in Branford. The relocation was needed to facilitate a CT DOT project to rebuild the Rt. 139 bridge over the Branford River and reconstruct the adjacent roadway. The scope of the project consisted of the following:
Installation of 1,200 LF of 20” DI and 1,200 LF of 16” restrained joint water main at various depths to accommodate future road lowering and DOT drainage work
Installation of 120 LF of 20” and 120 LF of 16” insulated restrained joint ductile iron pipe on the bridge over the Branford River
Performed 2 – 20” line stops and 2 – 16” line stops
Performed 2 - 20” taps and 2 – 16” taps on existing water main
Project involved coordination with DOT contractor to schedule and facilitate work within a planned roadway closure and detour under a strict timeframe. Due to the volume of water carried in both pipelines, the use of line stops and live taps were necessary to complete the final tie-ins to avoid disruption to customers.